Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The French RPG

Before coming to Paris, I had read a few blog posts about how trying to do simple tasks in Paris was comparable to going on a quest in a video game, specifically an "RPG" (role-playing game). But up until a couple days ago, I hadn't been sent on a quest. However, my desire to switch into a higher level French language class was similar to my experience as Link from the Zelda and The Orcarina of Time trying to obtain the ice arrows from the Gerudo fortress. After expressing my desire to change levels to the teacher of my initial class, my teacher recommended that I talk to the secretary at the Sorbonne. So after class, I made my way over to the Sorbonne and waited in line for a bit to see the secretary, only to have the secretary tell me that I needed my teacher to fill out a form. So the next day I went to my 12:00 pm class and had my teacher fill out a form that I need to bring back to the secretary, but since the secretary's office takes 12-2 pm off every day, I had to miss my class (the teacher would not let me stay) and wait to see the secretary. Finally, I was able to hand in my form. I thought I had finally acquired the legendary ice arrows, but then I came to the harsh realization that I was dealing with Frenchies. The secretary's office could not deal with my request to change classes at the time, and they informed me that I would have to return at 10:00 the next morning. Annoyed but optimistic, I heeded their demand and returned sharply at 10:00 the following morning. Again, it appeared that the ice arrows were within reach. However, the office explained that the wording in my teacher's letter was incorrect and that I would have to go back and get her to change it. Sigh. So after returning to my teacher, they informed me that she couldn't change it because she "didn't know me". So in order to get to know me, she gave me a written test (very easy, basic) to prove my knowledge of French. To finish up this story, my dominance of the test allowed the teacher to give me her written permission to switch into the next level of French instruction.

So could this quest have been avoided? Probably not. Maybe I'll use the mirror shield next time, or perhaps some Deku nuts.


  1. I thought you left Chadbourne 2 years ago...

  2. I heartily enjoyed reading this. MAny a zelda memory recalled. I don't have a blogspot acct but i will identify myself as "yourrr dog!"

  3. Tres amusant! J'ai ri. Je crois que ton arme de choix pendant ces jeux serais le "sigh".
