Saturday, February 6, 2010

Paris update, and Bruges tomorrow

I haven’t blogged about Paris in a while because the occurrences that were initially so exciting have become very routine. Still, though, there is plenty of excitement around Paris. I’ve been here for just over two weeks, and I’ve only seen a small fraction of the worthwhile parts of the city. I'm constantly being bombarded with new sights, and the old sights still do not fail to impress me. Standing on the Pont Neuf overlooking the Seine, having coffee with a view of Notre Dame, walking through the Luxembourg Gardends, or overlooking the city from the top of the Arc de Triomphe. It really just does not get old. And then there are the little things: the consistency of the food, how every bakery is better than any I’ve been to before. The paralleled consistency of the architecture, with breathtaking buildings on every street, every corner. The structures of the museums are pieces of art on their own, never mind the paintings and sculptures inside. I was in the Louvre the other day, and I could not get over the architecture of the building. The glass pyramids and the outer courtyard of the Louvre are often focused on, but the internal architecture cannot be overlooked. I found myself taking pictures of the frescos on the ceilings and the great marble pillars instead of the paintings. The depth and history of this city is truly remarkable.

Because of the language barrier, doing the most standard tasks have become slightly scary adventures. Getting a haircut was a struggle, trying to describe how I wanted my hair to be cut without just saying “short”. But other tasks, because of the obligation to speak French, have been enhanced. It’s “fun” to run errands, to order coffee, or to buy a baguette. My French is definitely improving, but only in regards to vocabulary and how fast I can talk (as well as my ability to understand fast-talking Frenchies).

Although we came back from Dublin only a week ago, it feels like it has been much longer. So, it's time for another adventure. This time, fortunately, there will be no Ryanair or early morning shuttles. Jonah, Rachel, Vannessa, and I are taking our first high-speed train tomorrow at 11:25 to a little Belgian city called Bruges. You probably haven't heard of it before, but it looks like an incredible place. Google or Wikipedia it. We're coming back on Tuesday in the early afternoon, so look for pictures and such shortly thereafter. For now, though, here are some pictures from the past week in Paris.

Love it

Stained glass in Saint Chappelle

Grand hallway of the Louvre

Area in the 1st, I believe

The Catacombs

View from our lunch spot

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